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>> Frequent Professional-Cloud-Developer Updates <<
As we all know, respect and power is gained through knowledge or skill. The society will never welcome lazy people. Do not satisfy what you have owned. Challenge some fresh and meaningful things, and when you complete Professional-Cloud-Developer Exam, you will find you have reached a broader place where you have never reach. Your life will become more meaningful because of your new change, and our Professional-Cloud-Developer question torrents will be your first step.
Google Professional-Cloud-Developer certification exam is designed for cloud developers who want to demonstrate their proficiency in designing, building, and deploying scalable cloud solutions on the Google Cloud Platform. Professional-Cloud-Developer exam is a part of the Google Cloud Certification program and is designed to validate the skills and knowledge of cloud developers.
Google Professional-Cloud-Developer certification is a highly recognized certification exam that aims to validate an individual’s ability to develop, deploy, and manage applications on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Google Certified Professional - Cloud Developer certification is designed for developers who are familiar with GCP and have experience in software development, and who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge.
The Google Professional-Cloud-Developer Exam measures the candidate's ability to write, deploy, and manage cloud-native applications using GCP services such as Compute Engine, Kubernetes, and App Engine. It also evaluates the candidate's proficiency in designing and developing highly scalable, reliable, and secure applications in the cloud environment. Professional-Cloud-Developer exam is designed to test the candidate's hands-on skills and practical knowledge, rather than just theoretical understanding.
You manage an application that runs in a Compute Engine instance. You also have multiple backend services executing in stand-alone Docker containers running in Compute Engine instances. The Compute Engine instances supporting the backend services are scaled by managed instance groups in multiple regions. You want your calling application to be loosely coupled. You need to be able to invoke distinct service implementations that are chosen based on the value of an HTTP header found in the request. Which Google Cloud feature should you use to invoke the backend services?
Answer: C
You are using Cloud Build build to promote a Docker image to Development, Test, and Production environments. You need to ensure that the same Docker image is deployed to each of these environments.
How should you identify the Docker image in your build?
Answer: C
You are developing an application that reads credit card data from a Pub/Sub subscription. You have written code and completed unit testing. You need to test the Pub/Sub integration before deploying to Google Cloud. What should you do?
Answer: B
You have an application running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE). The application is currently using a logging library and is outputting to standard output You need to export the logs to Cloud Logging, and you need the logs to include metadata about each request. You want to use the simplest method to accomplish this. What should you do?
Answer: D
Your team is developing a new application using a PostgreSQL database and Cloud Run. You are responsible for ensuring that all traffic is kept private on Google Cloud. You want to use managed services and follow Google-recommended best practices. What should you do?
Answer: C
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